Oil Painting - IMPASTO Technique

Greetings to all my buddies, hope things are going on well. Here's one of my new kind of painting that I have tried for the first time. While surfing I came across one of the beautiful art by 'Susanna', got very much impressed by it and thought of trying it out. Its an Impasto Oil Painting. 

Its more or less like a normal oil painting, but what differentiates it from an usual painting is the thick textured paint that gives us a three dimensional view. It is all how we put on the paint.

Things required:
1. Canvas board
2. Oil colors
3. Painter's knife

This painting might take a lot of time to get dried, but the final outcome would be just amazing. We can do lot more with this beautiful technique and our wonderful creativity....! Kindly share your valuable comments.

Enjoy your work!!! Happy day!!

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